Piedmont Connect Promotes Wild & Scenic Film Festival
Wild & Scenic Film Festival inspires environmental activism and a love for nature through film. “Currents of Hope” was the 2022 theme for its 20th anniversary. An Eco-Fair with prizes, games, a silent auction, and a raffle began at 6pm. At 7pm, doors opened at the David Brower Center's Goldman Theatre in Berkeley, where 2022 top environmental films were shown.
Piedmont Connect Hosts Tasting a Sustainable Future
For Earth Day in April 2019, Piedmont Connect hosted “Tasting a Sustainable Future,” a tasting event to familiarize Piedmonters with an array of climate-beneficial cooking and eating options. Over 100 guests shared plant-based foods prepared with locally-sourced produce by creative and accomplished chefs. Residents who came to the event also had the opportunity to learn how to purchase more sustainably, reduce their food waste, conserve water, travel greener, and electrify their homes.
“Tasting a Sustainable Future,” was the theme of the Piedmont Climate Action Fair & Reception. Hometown chef Paul Arenstam of Summer Kitchen and San Francisco chef Nick Balla of Smokebread served up climate-friendly hors d’oeuvres. Photo by Julie Reichle
Piedmont Connect Co-hosts Planet-friendly Dinner & Film Screening: Ice on Fire
In November 2019, Piedmont Connect partnered with the City of Piedmont to host a planet-friendly dinner and film screening of “Ice on Fire” as a celebration to both initiate and enroll participants in Piedmont’s Climate Challenge, a year-long team- or neighborhood-based challenge to learn about and replace climate-damaging habits with alternative climate-friendly behaviors and choices.
Piedmont Connect Film Screening: Kiss the Ground
In December 2020, Piedmont Connect screened the film, “Kiss the Ground”, an highly engaging film about the ability of regenerative agriculture (both plant and animal farming) to restore the land’s capacity to sequester carbon, hold water, and support biodiversity. After the film, Jessica Handy, a member of the Kiss the Ground team, spoke to participants with a moderated Q&A.